If all this means nothing to you, or you're not sure what it means, don't worry about it! They're categories commonly used by some people, especially business people and church leadership people, who will know what they mean.
My Myers-Briggs preferences are ENFJ, leaning ENFP.
My Enneagram motivations most closely align with 7, probably 7w8. But I'm often mis-typed as a 3 because I enjoy my work.
My DiSC results indicate that I operate as a high-I, moderately high-D.
I probably most closely pastor as a Priest-Prophet, with King being my weakest. I probably most closely think in terms of a Culturalist-Pietist, with Doctrinalist being my least strong trait.
You can view my SOCIAL MEDIA presence at facebook.com/wesleydeanmartin.
Some things to know about me:
- I love complex board games. You can see our collection here to find out what I mean.
- I used to be a professional musician and still play trumpet—and I will gladly play for you! But I'm very self-conscious that I don't sound as good as I used to. I played on cruise ships through college.
- I'm a huge Star Trek fan. I've worked at conventions and met the likes of George Takei, James Doohan, and more.
- I grew up on a small working farm and cowboyed (though not necessarily very well) in Eastern Oklahoma.
Books that have profoundly shaped me over the years and form the foundation of how I do things
C.S. Lewis—Mere Christianity; Screwtape Letters; The Weight of Glory; The Great Divorce; Chronicles of Narnia; Yours, Jack (A Collection of His Letters)
Tim Keller—Reason for God
Francis Schaefer—How Shall We Then Live
Jerram Barrs—Learning Evangelism from Jesus
Jerram Barrs—The Heart of Evangelism
Zack Eswine—Sensing Jesus
Eugene Peterson—The Pastor
Paul David Tripp—Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
JRR Tolkien—Lord of the Rings
JK Rowling—Harry Potter
Stephen Covey—7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Teyber—Interpersonal Process in Therapy
Gerald May—Addiction and Grace
Dave Harvey—When Sinner Say “I Do”
Paul Miller—A Praying Life
Podcasts I (somewhat) regularly listen to
RiverOaks Tulsa (Ricky Jones sermons)
Les Newsom Audio
Allender Center Podcast
You Think About That with Steve Brown
The Moth
This American Life
Timothy Keller sermons
The Place We Find Ourselves with Adam Young
Freakonomics Radio
How to Be a Better Human
TED Radio Hour